UPDATE Friday 28 October

Back to Calais tomorrow Saturday first thing!  Filming what has happened to the camp and trying to make sure all the young people we work with are ok.- prior to legal fight to get their cases resolved properly.

The camp is now greatly reduced, and there are still  dangers for the 150 or so kids who have not yet been rehoused into the containers . But good progress overall:  In 17 days since I launched this, Ive shot a vast amount- about 50% of what I need for the film, got reports and material 3 times onto ITN, been interviewed on Sky News and Telegraph – (both available online) got 10 lawyers and 11 social workers doing assessments in the camp, and WE HAVE OUR FIRST KIDS NOW IN THE UK!!! Thanks to you. The fight soon moves to the courts to get all the kids who are LEGALLY ENTITLED out of the Jungle and to UK where most should have been months ago, if the Home Office had done its job properly and UK Parliament had more fully supported Dubs first time around  xxx

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Sue Clayton is a feature and documentary film maker. She has worked on various child and youth asylum projects over 15 years, consulting and producing news stories for ITV and BBC . Her award-winning independent film Hamedullah: The Road Home www.hamedullahtheroadhome.com has been screened at over 200 activist and debate events, and is regularly shown in UK Immigration Courts and in the Upper Tribunal cases as evidence that forced removal of young people to Kabul is not, as the Home Office says, safe. She is also creating an archive of interviews with young asylum seekers in the UK see www.bigjourneys.org and she works with a ESRC-funded research team researching best outcomes for young asylum seekers www.uncertainjourneys.org.uk